The design plan from the very beginning was to recreate the genre of standard English playing cards to be not only much better aesthetically than what has come before but also much improved functionally with the use of subtle colour coding, much more lifelike courts and painstakingly considered composition, proportions and detail on every single card in the deck. All coming together to raise the bar on playing card deck design to a previously unimagined level, while also maintaining the overall familiar feel and ease of use of a 'standard' deck of cards.


         The JPC tuckbox designs are as fresh and original as the rest of the deck and marks them as clearly different from the rest of the crowd while still clearly identifying them as standard English playing cards. They are printed on semi-gloss satin finish card, sealed with their own uniquely shaped and designed JPC tamper-proof seals (red for redbacks and blue for bluebacks) and are of course wrapped in traditional tear-strip cellophane for added tamper security for serious players and long term mint condition protection for dedicated collectors.

        There are two face design versions: the JPC Standard Colour deck, which although still very much a traditional "red and black" deck, utilizes the whole color spectrum throughout the entire deck, and the JPC Standard Ghost deck which uses only red, black, grey and white throughout, creating a very different and dramatically striking feel. Both decks have redback and blueback versions so in this first edition print run there are four decks to choose from.
          All decks are on LPCC's premium Diamond finish cardstock. This beautiful stock is slightly stiffer with a subtle but alluring surface texture and fantastic wear attributes. It's also a much cooler and brighter white cardstock than the previous WK editions which along with the deeper and more intense colour choices, bolder outlines, and much more sophisticated designs and proportions really do separate these decks from the original WK editions in every way.    

Standard Colour deck
Standard Ghost deck

               Those in the know will need no explanation as to why Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions went with Legends Playing Card Company in regards to actual production. It was always just as important a part of the original design brief to leave no stone unturned regarding cardstock quality, printing/diecutting precision, and general production quality excellence. Legends easily ticked every box there.

  Further JPC deck editions and variations are already slated for the future but this is the perfect opportunity to secure first edition decks of this beautiful playing card brand.

I'll be putting more words and images about the cards in here as we go along so check back now and then if you're interested,